FaltyDL – In the Wild

Brooklyn’s Drew Lustman a.k.a FaltyDL has released the artisitc new album In the Wild.
The ambient track “Aquì, Port Lligat” opens the album with subtle hints of emotion and narrative, which gracefully blends into “New Haven”, giving the album a pulse and building on its textures.
Refreshing the listener’s palate, “Uptight” is filled with white noise, providing the following track – and lead single – “Do Me” a higher level of intensity. Outlined by a deep, pulsating bass line, and a dash of latin-infused rhythms, it continually builds itself up and then, with a swift pause, crashes into the end.
Fusing together a range of sounds and ambient textures, “Nine” plays with the listener’s sensory field, giving a chaotic yet inticing audible experience.
“Ahead the Ship Sleeps” is a treat for the ears, bringing forth an 80’s soul sound, colourfully painted over by a 90’s electronic music and creativity.
The second half of the album is more lively and acknowledges earlier electronic music influences and characteristics, while giving them new life and refreshing them into a new time – “Danger” being a hearty example.
FaltyDL wrote a poem to accompany the album and track list.
“Upon a mountaintop in Port Lligat I found my true love.
We wrapped each other Uptight,
never will I forget so much regret.
Never apologize.
Do Me is truth is progress is death is pain is boredom is sex is dance is silence is void.
Nine is eternal stream is people is family is anger is fight is father is not all.
Heart & Soul is female is more anger is ignorance is blisters on sun soaked lips.
Greater Antilles is two parts masculine one part crystalline structures.
Ahead the Ship Sleeps in Danger is Grief resolved through Rollingin New Haven.
Dos Gardenias para ti.
Never apologize.
Post-stroke vernacular, insult to salt intake fake injury to resume sideline spectatorship.
Strained precision, illegal decision and fat masterbatorial visions.
Vapid vaper-what never signed up, tell a lie, till the day I die.
Never apologize.
Ghost written by Shanghai Den,
Very best, Falty
PS. Sorry”
Listen to the entire album via The New York Times.