Hey Rosetta! – Second Sight

Hey Rosetta!, Newfoundland’s shining stars, are back with their fourth studio album Second Sight. The seven-piece alternative folk rock band is continuing to grow in popularity, due in part to their extensive tour history and layered and musically textured songs.
“Soft Offering (For the Oft Suffering)” cooly opens the album with the defining vocals of singer/songwriter Tim Baker. Praised for his steady, yet complex percussion parts, Phil Maloney gives a spark to the rhythmic song.
A whirlwind of instruments flow together for the second song “Gold Teeth”. Once again, Baker’s unstoppable vocals and songwriting take the band to higher levels, along with the melting pot of music elements. Violin, cello, guitar, bass, drums and piano all flourish in the sing-along inviting track.
Slightly more pop-based than anything they’ve released before, the bright and vibrant “Dream” builds and dips for a fun rollercoaster of a song, with a hook-based chorus of harmonies and a triumphant and Hey Rosetta! signature ending.
Clocking at almost seven minutes, “What Arrows” showcases the bands ability to create emotion in the hypnotically poetic song. At the four-minute mark, the string section bridges the listener into an explosive and stellar-ranging conclusion.
“Neon Beyond” opens with a playful percussion pattern, met with summery, chromatic melodies. One of the best tracks from the album, the song builds into rock based chorus, and calmly dips into a Baker verse, but soon enough unleashes the bands collective and explosive abilities for an exciting conclusion.
As the lead single from Second Sight back in August 2014, “Kintsukuroi“ plays a convincing role as one of their best songs. The booming instrumentations from all seven members, combined with a ringing chorus melody make for a wonderful song – even if the title’s pronunciation is near impossible.
“Harriet” opens up with a piano-pop chord progression, lead by none other than Tim Baker. The song finds the right footing around the three-minute mark, with a swinging hook and catchy chorus of “They don’t know you like I know you, Harriet!” that leaves the listener with a warm sensation.
Bringing the album to a close, “Trish’s Song” is a dramatic and moving ballad, with Baker serenading on the piano and the rest of the band providing backing vocals equal in emotion.
From start to finish, the album is a dazzling collection of Canadian talent.
Listen to it via Exclaim.ca!
Buy your copy here.