Milo Greene – Control


With four vocalists, assigning the role of lead singer can be a recipe for disaster; however, Los Angeles cinematic-pop quintet Milo Greene have not only crafted a unique sound, but also utilized their vocal abundance to their advantage with their sophomore release Control. Compared to their self-titled debut album, which featured a slight folk-pop sound, along with layers of lead vocals, their newest release has the members taking turns as lead singer amongst a more electronic, percussive sound.

Marlana Sheetz is first to sing lead on the track “White Lies; the hit single brings ‘70s pop influences into their contemporary sound through the use of synthesizers and dance-based percussion by drummer Curtis Marrero.

On the Fence is a sensational example of Milo Greene’s vocal-based pop sound; their ‘70s/’80s pop instrumentation goes head first into a medley of vocalization from the group.

Moving out of synth-pop and into guitar-pop style, tracks such as “Heartless, “Parent’s House” and “When It’s Done” highlight its melodic potential. “Lie to Me, one of the first singles from the album, does an even better job of utilizing both the guitar and synth for the vocal-pop track.

Hauntingly seductive, “Not Enough” unleashes the artist’s frustration of heartbreak with the chilling, echoing line  “It’s just so hard to leave you / it’s not enough”.

Ending the album with the acoustic track “Royal Blue”, the quintet gather their voices, showing the power of their combined voices to swiftly carry the album into the final moment amongst a soundscape of supporting percussion.

Milo Greene may have drifted into a new direction with their latest work Control, but the album makes sure to leave their fans with something fun and enjoyable.

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