A Sight for Sewn Eyes – A Sight for Sewn Eyes



Halifax’s music scene is quickly becoming Canada’s best kept secret; from indie rock groups (In-Flight Safety, beauts, Rain Over St. Ambrose), to electronic artists (Ryan Hemsworth), and hip-hop (Cam Smith, Classified), the varying range and magnitude of talent has many Canadian music fans keeping a close eye on the Nova Scotian capital. Adding to the list is five-piece metalcore band A Sight for Sewn Eyes who blasted into the music world with their 2012 debut album Alone Together. Now, after an extensive tour schedule and recording process, their razor-sharp sound is back with their sophomore release A Sight for Sewn Eyes. More technical, melodic, and louder than ever, the new album is an exhilarating and antagonisingly intense experience.

A Sight for Sewn Eyes (Photo by Mark Luciani)
A Sight for Sewn Eyes
(Photo by Mark Luciani)

Vocalist Joshua Hanusiak is the force behind the emotive and aggressive band’s sound; his vocal technique immediately becomes a powerful component of their music. From the opening track “Birthmark” to the final moments of “Worst of Friends”, his piercing screams are exhaustive, yet blood pumping.

A Sight for Sewn Eyes’ technical-metal/sporadic-punk style is nothing short of impressive; drummer Benjamin Leathem, guitarist Johnny Walsh, bassist Ben Brennan, and guitarist Andrew Benoit work as separate pieces to form an explosive collage of hostile musicality and spastic assertiveness. “Colourless”, “Dead Art”, and “Pour Souls” contribute to the spine-chilling tenacity of the self-titled album. Hints of ambient rock find their way onto the album such as “G” and the closing seconds of “Worst of Friends”, lowering the sonic intensity, but maintaining the dramatic and emotive side of A Sight for Sewn Eyes.

The maritime band’s sophomore release is equivalent to being woken up by a bucket of ice-cold Atlantic Ocean water; the album’s hard-hitting accuracy connects together influences from other hardcore and metalcore bands, but with a unique and creative spin from the young band, resulting in a raw, shattering collection. Exclaim! has the full album stream available plus head the band’s website to order your copy.

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