Heaps Search for Normalcy On New Single “Get It Back”; New LP Out Tomorrow

With their new full-length What Is Heaps out tomorrow, the Kawartha Lakes group Heaps (previously known as The Kents) have shared one more single, “Get It Back.”
Launched by the song’s staple guitar riff, the energetic tune will have you tapping your foot along to the driving bass line. Coupled with punchy lyrics, the stand out anthem within the chorus keeps the song’s upbeat momentum and pulls it together. With faded vocals, “We can get it back” is echoed between thoughts: “Never what it seems / grounded by the fire of a fantasy” and “walk downtown at ease / minding every change in the scenery”. Opening the door for a sing along at a live performance (if there could be one), the anthemic new single is a captivating crowd pleaser.

“Get It Back” has a message of getting back to a sense of normalcy, it’s “a song that touches on seeking constant self-validation and the attempt to channel these emotions through fantasy,” the band says. Lyrics of “Run away with what’s on your mind / give it everything / gonna chase what’s lost in the fire / truly anything / this will in a moment relax,” seems to speak to being lost in your own thoughts, and finding yourself out of place within day to day life – something universal in today’s climate. The song itself is a reminder to recenter, and to get it – the perspective – back.
Listen below and see if you hear the same: