Vancouver Singer-Songwriter Cassidy Waring Shares Home Video Clip For “Leaving”

It’s been two years since singer-songwriter Cassidy Waring released her song “Leaving” in late 2019, but it wasn’t until the period of isolation brought on by the pandemic in 2020 that the emotions weaved into the song were brought out. Inspired by her time at home, the accompanying music video highlights the emotional and physical state that Waring was in for the last year. “It seems that isolation brought unresolved issues to the surface for many people”, she shares. “I became fixated on uncovering as much as I possibly could abotu the unravelling of my family. I may have crossed the line between healing my past and losing myself in an unhealthy obsession.
After spending countless hours sifting through old photos, watching home videos, and diving into family research, Cassidy decided to merge her findings and her song into its new visual. The self-directed video combines the claustrophobia brought on by isolation and pieces of Waring’s childhood and family, flashing by like memories recalled through a VCR.
With her debut full-length Lonesome Reunion arriving on November 2021, Cassidy opens the door to a brooding and candid collection lead by “Leaving, as she sings “When I think of home, I think of grieving / leave it to the dead to teach you leaving”.
Watch the music video below: