Lou Canon Releases New Remix LP ‘Reimagine The Body’; Shares Accompanying Video Collection

Edited press release:
Lou Canon releases her exploratory new remix LP, Reimagine The Body via Paper Bag Records. The album features remixes of songs from Lou’s 2020 album, Audomatic Body imaginatively re-worked by artists Époque Selector(Max Turnbull/ Badge Epoch/U.S. Girls), Graham Walsh (Holy Fuck), July Talk, Lido Pimienta, Witch Prophet, and Zoon.
Reimagine The Body‘s official birth into the world is accompanied by a visual collection – a co-production between Lou and Peter and Leah (of July Talk) and their Danuta arts collective. Each track from the album is taken on a deeply personal journey. At the same time Lou’s songs were transforming, so was she. “You’ll find six vulnerable vignettes that share an intimate glimpse at the struggle — the part we tend to mask,” remarks Lou. “When one body becomes two. In pregnancy. No fancy makeup, unkept hair, a robe for every scene, vomit between takes. Say it like it is. Reimagine the body.”
About the project, Lou shares:
“Audomatic Body’s very first words are ‘reimagine the body.’ These remixes are born from that album. Reimagine the body, reimagine the body… the mantra looped in my sanity on rerun. With no tangible way to bring the original album to life, what with restrictions on our every movement, and venues closed for business, I soon became fixated on how Audomatic Body’s songs might shift and breathe and germinate like they very often do when you take them on the road — into different rooms, in front of different faces, night after night. When we work on a song it constantly mutates from conception to birth. And yet we present the recording to the world in just one way, the last way. But why does there have to be a last way? I was in search for more of a continuum. So I entrusted these songs into the hands of many brilliant artists. Some were dear friends, some I had never met but admired from a distance. And oh my, it was nail-biting excitement to witness their work. Some were remixing for the very first time. It brought about a raw, most genuine magic, wrapped in a new delicate skin with just enough familiar and just enough exotic.”
Watch the playlist of videos below:
(Featured image by Rebecca Wood)