Singer-Songwriter Riley Pearce Announces Debut Full-Length ‘The Water & The Rough’; Shares New Single “Furniture”

Australian indie singer-songwriter Riley Pearce has officially announced his debut album The Water & The Rough will be released on June 10, 2022. Following his previous single “8 Hour Drive”, the Perth-based artist has shared “Furniture” and its accompanying music video.

Written before and during the pandemic, the new single ruminates on lockdown with his partner in their small apartment, and its catalyst powers in regards to bonding and growing together. Riley says, “The days all blend together and your interactions with each other grow weirder and weirder…it’s neither good nor bad, it’s just strange. It’s an observation of that absurd time for us, spending so much time in that apartment that we were becoming a part of the furniture.

With his charming and rustic vocals at the forefront, Riley paints a lush and delicate portrait of a relationship. Fans of Bon Iver, Bear’s Den, and Jordan Klassen will find a refreshing and familiar touch from the folk singer-songwriter.

The single is accompanied by an endearing music video featuring real-life couple Stan and Gwenda, who met in Perth while ballroom dancing in 1956 and have been together ever since.

Watch below:

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