Bristol Singer-Songwriter Wil Owen Shares New Single “Control Freak”

Now onto his fourth single, Bristol-based singer-songwriter Wil Owen has shared the pensive new offering “Control Freak”.
Written during a vulnerable time, the song is rich with emotion and insecurity, while boasting a refreshing candidness and subtle confidence forged from acceptance.
“Of all the songs I’ve put out so far, this is the one that I think I’m most reluctant to share”, he begins. “It’s about a time I was feeling really sad and invisible. It felt like my life had stalled and, among other things, I couldn’t bring myself to see my friends because I didn’t want them to see me like that. I didn’t want to have to explain. So I didn’t, I cut myself off for a brief period of time, I made my life as small as I could and in doing so I became obsessive over what I had left. I felt like a passenger so I clung to control in whatever way I could. It was miserable, scary, revealing“.
Borrowing the delicate folk stylings of his predecessors, Wil Owen finds a way to incorporate his own experiences and personality into the stripped-back genre.
“I suppose this song is my attempt at explaining all that to myself, acknowledging that there’s a part of me that’s capable of making myself feel that small, that insignificant. Over the last year I’ve been putting out these songs and the artwork for each has been getting closer and closer to my face, slowly coming in to focus. This is as close as we’re getting. There’s still some distance, but I think that’s just right“.
Listen to the single below: