Renowned Nightlife Staple DJ SHORTKUTZ Brings Infectious Danceability To Official Debut Single “Out of Love”

You don’t become a resident DJ for “the longest running party in NYC” or in “various Las Vegas nightclubs” without dedicating yourself to music that moves. On his debut single “Out of Love”, DJ SHORTKUTZ brings the pulsating sounds you might expect would propel the open format mixer to such live event heights.

With a commanding but careful sample of Jackie Moore’s “This Time Baby” boosted by dangling keys and swirling turntable sound FX, “Out of Love” is a new disco adventure. The drops are accentuated by static, utilized almost as an additional percussive element that keeps the drums leaning forward. The occasional reappearance of melodic acid bass, much like other sparsely used elements from the opening to this track, gives a nightlife enthusiast something to miss then excitedly cherish within the 3 and a half minutes of this blissful ride.

Move to the new release from DJ SHORTKUTZ below:

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