L.A. Singer-Songwriter Arima Ederra Showcases Her Unmatched Vocal Power On New Single “Portals”

When you have the angelic voice of LA-based artist Arima Ederra, there is a truly perplexing degree to which questioning “what if the sun didn’t come out tomorrow?” sounds more endearing than apocalyptic.
As the Vegas-born singer-songwriter muses, the “absence of love seems to be the only time we realize we’re out of time to say how we earnestly feel”. That absence is appreciated delicately by the washed up, Beach Rock-esque guitar embellishments that set the stage for a barrage of miraculous vocal runs, both in the fore and background of “Portals”. Though as mentioned above there are hints of true sorrow in the lyrics of Ederra’s first single since 2018; you can tell how intensely the singer is attempting to focus on being present with others and tapping into the “two holes sitting on your face” via a boldly impassioned delivery of every single line.
“Portals” has me over the moon about a full length project expected from Arima Ederra in the Fall, and I think listening here will affect you much the same: