INTRODUCING: Norwegian Alt Punk Group Jack Quit The Band Honours The Cat Lady On “Goodbye Wilfred”

Self-described as a “country jazz punk” band, Norwegian trio Jack Quit The Band have shared their debut single “Goodbye Wilfred”. Having released a handful of singles over the last few weeks, the frantic introduction is a fun math-rock-infused offering that showcases the band’s dynamic and explosive style.

Drenched in Midwestern-emo guitar tones and grunge-smattered fuzz, “Goodbye Wilfred” found its inspiration from an unsuspecting creature. About the song, the band shares:

“‘Goodbye Wilfred’ tells the story of a brief but nonetheless significant period in which our lovely bassist used to rent a room from an eccentric young cat lady. She had three cats, and one of them in particular, Wilfred, spent his days doing whatever he liked, eating where and whatever he liked, shitting wherever he liked, and of course sleeping wherever he liked. An intruder of time and space, and personal spheres. After a while, everything about the house became a little bit too much and our bassist figured out he was better off finding somewhere else to live. Goodbye Wilfred is an ode to a ruthless little badass“.

Rounded out by spirited full-band harmonies and splashy percussion, “Goodbye Wilfred” is a personality-filled release from a surprising new favourite.

Listen below:

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