Twenty One Pilots – Vessel

Colombus, Ohio’s Twenty-one Pilots have released their fourth album Vessel – and their first release under a major label.
And although the group has gone through a small rotation of members, the current duo is doing all the right things for a solid pop album, connecting a cluster of genres together.
The opening track “Ode to Sleeping” seems to jump back and forth between alternative hip-hop, and synth-pop, almost as if the band had staggered two songs into one. But hey – it works.
Farther down the track list, “House of Gold” brings out their folk influence into their pop sound, and then is immediately followed by the poetic hip-hop track “Car Radio” – which explosively ends in a synth-pop chorus of sounds.
The band’s ability to mash together so many different genres is an entertaining feat, and doing it well is an added bonus.
Full of catchy tunes, Vessel gives pop music a fun and favourable name.
Listen to the full album via Grooveshark.