Bishop Allen – Lights Out

There’s something pleasantly simple about Bishop Allen‘s previous albums, and the band’s fourth collection Lights Out follows suit. Since their debut album Charm School in 2003, their sound has hardly changed.
The album opens with “Start Again“, a simple indie track that goes neither up nor down, but instead plays it safe, comfortably lined with synth riffs and dance-hooks. The third track on the album,”Crows” gives a bit more bounce, with smooth summer guitar riffs, and sunny melodies (it can easily be mistaken for a Two Hours Traffic song).
Moving down the tracklist, the album has a difficult time picking up, with basic album fillers scattered throughout. “Skeleton Key” ends the streak with its keyboard-based riffs and upbeat percussion for a fairly enjoyable track.
“Good Talk” deals with adult topics, but blanketed by a fun dance-pop vibe. Similar to “Crows” and “Good Talk”, the ninth track “Hammer and Nails” has a fun, summery sound, while dealing with grown-up complications within the lyrics – although it is easily a B-side track.
“Bread Crumbs”, one of the better songs from the album, flows with a simple two-step dance groove, and a fundamental pop chorus and hooks. “No Conditions” is the most rock-based track on the album.
Lights Out‘s potential hides behind the band’s hesitation to expand and evolve, resulting in a standard indie rock album that is worth a listen, but still nothing to get excited about.
Listen to the full album via Youtube.