Pulled Apart By Horses – Blood

The first time I heard the band’s name I was expecting gut-busting, loud black metal; instead, I found gut-busting, loud, raw, sludgey and grungey rock music from Pulled Apart By Horses‘ third album Blood.
Bursting open with “Hot Squash“, the track is filled with rough and tumble rock riffs, taking all the stops with their aggressive, in-your-face sound.
“Lizard Baby“, one of the first singles to be shared from Blood channels 90s grunge with punk rock hooks and belting chorus lines “to get attention”.
“You Want It“ is fast-paced, bass-crunching rock and screams its way to being one of the best songs from the album, with the last ten-seconds alone containing more energy than a car battery.
Pulled Apart By Horses turns the distortion up another level for the garage-punk track “Bag of Snakes“, bringing to life the band’s earlier style.
Song after song, the album never disappoints, with more and more rock-em-sock-em tunes constructing the tracklist into a monsterous rock album. Stream Blood in its entirety via NME.