Winter – Waiting for the Summer

L.A-based dream pop outfit Winter released their debut full length Supreme Blue Dream this past March, and two music videos from the record. Next in line is the new music video for the shimmering track “Waiting for the Summer”.

With its well-timed release, the video is a continuous shot of a young boy skateboarding past green bushes and trees. Director Riley Blakeway, who is known for his work on skateboarding documentaries and a few other music videos, effortlessly captures the warmth and welcoming spirit of the season.

Even from a band named after the frigid season, there is nothing cold about the music; lead singer Samira Winter brightens the track with a unique glow, amongst twinkling rhythm and boundless guitar. “Waiting for the Summer” quickly evokes the urge to lie in the soft grass, sun beaming down, and no worries in sight.
ARVE Error: need id and providerPLUS you can stream three more tracks from Supreme Blue Dream:
“Someone Like You” :
Audio Player“Crazy” :
Audio Player“Some Kind of Surprise” :
Audio Player
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