Bearings – Home Is… EP


(If you like: Sum 41, The Story So Far, Neck Deep) 

Pop punk is not often attributed to Canada, let alone the government-worker populated city of Ottawa. Having such a deep-rooted history in the United States, Canadian pop-punk bands are becoming noticed more and more. Sum 41 and These Kids Wear Crowns have been putting Canada on the map with their energetic, hook-filled music.

Adding to the genre’s repertoire, Ottawa-based indie pop-punk band Bearings have released their second record Home Is… EP. Following closely in the footsteps of the predecessors, Bearings capture the angst-filled aggression of teenage inspired punk, with the upbeat, infectious hooks of pop punk.

Making full use of being a five-piece, “Indecision” opens the record, blaring together two guitars, bass, relentless percussion, and the dynamic range of vocals. Melody is the main source of power for the angst-filled single, channelling familiar influences circa 2005.

The Ottawa quintet show-off their hook songwriting ability on Day To Remember -esque single “What’s Best For You”, delivering an addictive chorus melody, before coming together for an explosive finish. Their clear influences of the emo-punk era of the mid-2000s shine through in the “Absent”, directing the EP towards a heavy, yet animated conclusion.

Stream the full EP below through their bandcamp page, and catch them on a short tour in support of the new release.

Tour dates: 

January 21 – Oshawa @ The Diezel Room
Januray 22 – Toronto @ Smiling Buddha
Januray 23 – Brampton @ Ellen’s Bar and Grill
January 24 – Windsor @ The Windsor Beer Exchange
January 27 – Peterborough @ TBA
January 28 – Montreal @ Bar Pub St. Denis
January 29 – Ottawa @ House Show

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