Blink-182 – Bored to Death (Official Music Video)

Since the recent lineup change for pop-punk legends Blink-182, fans have been on the edge about the exit of Tom DeLonge and the introduction of Alkaline Trio’s Matt Skiba. With the July 1st release date for their seventh studio album California inching closer, long-time Blink fans have had the three singles “California”, “Rabbit Hole”, and “Bored to Death” to enjoy. To ease the wait, the band has shared their latest music video for the latter.
“Bored to Death” touches back on the band’s mid-career pop punk sound, with similarities to their 2003 self-titled, but with the kick-back energy of Take Off Your Pants and Jacket. Featuring punk kids running around town messing up record stores, pool-hopping, and being young and careless, the music video is another reminder of what the band has always represented and how they’ve hoped to stay teenagers forever.
Enjoy the video below, and head to their website for more information on California and upcoming tour dates.