Nothing But Thieves Get Gritty On “Real Love Song”; Announce New LP

U.K. alternative rock group Nothing But Thieves announced this week that they will be releasing their third full-length Moral Panic on October 23rd. From the collection comes the gritty love song “Real Love Song”.

After becoming self-aware of their lack of love songs, Nothing But Thieves sought out to write one, but making sure to leave out the glittery, over-romanticized style that bands often fall into:
“An interviewer in Kuala Lumpur asked us why we don’t have a huge amount of songs about relationships or love. We hadn’t really thought about it before. The answer was that songs like that have been done to death and they rarely capture what love is actually like for most. Songs tend to be idealistic or Hollywood. Real Love Song was an attempt to write a song about love from a self-aware perspective. It’s about the darker side of love – the painful, unrequited kind. It’s love lost or love never gained. Thank you to that interviewer from Malaysia – without you, this song would never exist.”
“Real Love Song” hits hard with each verse, singing lyrics as grim as “dirty rip out the whole of your soul love / I’ll hate myself for days love…I’ll drink myself to death love”. Despite the dark lyrics, the band manages to explode in an arena-sized alt-rock sound, full of swelling bass and guitars, and space-filling synthesizers that combine to create a captivating-U2-sized hook.
Sing along with the lyric video below and you can pre-order Moral Panic now. As well, hear this song and more on our Starting Line-Up playlist on Spotify.