Tempesst Find The Grey Area On New Single “Mushroom Cloud”
Alterative psych-rock group Tempesst share the second single from their upcoming full-length ‘Must Be A Dream’

With their debut album Must Be A Dream coming out on September 30th, London-based alternative psych-rock group Tempesst have shared the second single to be lifted from the release, “Mushroom Cloud”.

Borrowing hints of the SoCal folk-pop of the Beach Boys, mixed with the triumphant and slushy reverb sound of ’70s psych-rock, “Mushroom Cloud” is a hazy, slow-burner complete with a saxophone solo that explores the conflicting desire to be self-serving and remorseful. Frontman Toma Banjanin explains:
“‘Mushroom Cloud’ isn’t my story…I found it easier to write this song as a confession from the perspective of the antagonist. It’s equal measures apology, justification and threat, the kind of confusing grey area that only exists within intimate relationships. It’s love that becomes all-consuming and suffocating. It’s that destructive primal default buried deep within each of us. The Saboteur present in every moment of regret…that will do or say anything in an attempt at self preservation.”
The song’s melodramatic weight and cloudy pace builds both emotion and tension as Banjanin slowly sings, “Sometimes I get carried away in the moment” with each chorus, hiding the apologetic tone in his voice – if there even is one.
Must Be A Dream is out September 30th.