Grady Finds A Happy Ending In New Video For “All In”

Edited press release:

LA-based indie-pop artist Grady releases the official video for “All In”—an anthem for new beginnings and newfound love ahead of the ultimate summer—out now via TMWRK Records

“All In” is an instant mood booster and the visual component directed by Sam Dameshek amplifies its playful energy. Picking fun at dating app corporations and what ‘The Love Umbrella’ strategy meetings might look like, the video takes you inside the imagined Tinder offices for 5 minutes of silly shenanigans. On the making of the video, Grady say, “My favorite music videos are always one that are cinematic, that tell a story even beyond just the song. That’s what I wanted this music video to be—a platform to tell other stories within the video and for it to be its own little universe. Maybe we’ll spin off one of the skits in there into a tv show one day, who knows.”

Grady (Photo by Sam Dameshek)

100% written and produced by Grady, “All In” is fully loaded with exhilaration only a new romance can bring. The song (mixed and mastered by Diego Ferrera) is a refreshing reminder to listen to your heart over the ridiculous unwritten laws of dating. “You hear all the time, ‘Don’t double text, don’t simp, don’t be thirsty,” Grady explains. “‘All In’ is the opposite of all those new rules, it’s just – “fuck it, I like you, I’m all in. It’s about that moment you know in your heart that you want to take a relationship with someone to the next level.”

Grady is unmistakably himself. Influenced by Beck at an early age, he was drawn to writing music out of his cerebral consciousness. “Honestly all the best songs I’ve written, I kind of just vomited out. No one knows what’s going to hit, so make what feels good to you, right for you, and find people you trust to elevate it,” he admits, “I’m just excited to grow and learn more about myself and the world. I want to give good energy to people and I always feel so much gratitude that the universe gave me this.” 

Every Grady song released is another page out of his audiovisual diary hinged around his journey— whether it’s playing it cool or fearing commitment or genuinely searching for love. Every verse comes from a personal experience that undoubtedly leaves an imprint on millennial and Gen Z listeners with it’s all-too-relatable lyrics and electrifying sonics. “Love is the number one catalyst of inspiration—not necessarily for a person; it could just be love for a moment or a feeling.” explains Grady.

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