FEATURE: Natalie Claro Finds A Balance With Latest Video “When Alcohol Tastes Like Juice” & Opens Up In New Q&A

Nashville-based alternative singer-songwriter Natalie Claro is the sole writer, producer, and multi-instrumentalist of her music. With complete control, the independent artist mixes together her eclectic influences – Aretha Franklin, Queen, Paramore, and Hozier to name a few – to create candid and striking alt-pop music. On her latest single “When Alcohol Tastes Like Juice”, Claro’s theatrical and powerful pop rock style shines as she sings about balancing sources of instant gratification.

During the 2020 COVID lockdown, Claro found herself struggling to keep a clear mind about the world and her reality. “Many people were in a nihilistic state, worrying creation was useless”, she begins. “We had no clue what to expect of the future. I realized I had spent the past few months partying each day since it brought a much quicker form of gratification than my long-term goals, and now I had no game plan. I want to use this song to remind young people not to lose themselves in the process of making themselves. Finding joy is being grateful for the journey.”

Building off the theme of partying and quick-fix solutions, “When Alcohol Tastes Like Juice” acts as a coming-of-age metaphor on the notion that the sugary, dopamine fix of cocktails lead to a dreaded hangover of guilt and unexpected consequences. Known for her vibrant and energetic live performances, Claro lets her anthemic and theatrical style come through with the song’s catchy melody and roaring guitar riffs as she flips into a dynamic second half.

Watch the music video below and read more about Natalie in the Q&A just past.

When did you start pursuing a career as a musician?

I was 14 when I did my first “show”, and it was only something to help me get over my stage fright. Every year my city had an Italian Festival where you could sing on stage for a contest. (I lost to these 7 year olds that were way cuter than I was at 14.)

What artists have been major influences on your sound and style?

I would say since I’ve made music, Queen and Paramore have had the strongest impact on me, and right now it’s currently Hozier.

What helped you realize you needed to reorganize your priorities and find a balance?

The pandemic completely cancelling all my shows leaving me with nothing to release and nothing on my upcoming schedule… I’m shuddering – I was in sheer panic mode. The worst of COVID had yet to come and I was already in shambles.

How did the lockdown affect your creative process?

I was in the pure definition of lockdown. I didn’t see a single person other than my family from February-June 2020. I might have left the house less than 10 total times during those months (when the annual Snapchat memories started showing up it was evident how unhinged I became during that isolation). I just stayed in my room working my ass off. Because all I had was just me and my bedroom without a single fear of “missing out” I cranked out song after song after song. I have a side career I do for extra money that’s freelance and from my computer, and due to the lack of activity in those months I saved up so much. Finally feeling secure and prepared for what was to come let me feel more comfortable in creating. It’s hard to be innovative when you’re stressed.

As an indie artist, what is your relationship to social media and the instant gratification it provides?

I hate it. I hate it so much. I forget Facebook exists, I delete the Tik Tok app whenever I’m not uploading, and use Twitter solely for interacting with those kids out there who share my music or want to engage with me. It’s the pure definition of addiction and it makes me feel so trapped. Making a single post is so daunting, will people respond to it? Is this too weird? What do I even say anymore?? 

And the worst part is, I wouldn’t exist without the internet. Social media is the fuel for unsigned indie artists and I wouldn’t have conquered any of my achievements thus far. But man do I want to bite a huge bleeding chunk out of the hand that feeds me.

In the music video, you have a mouth full of glitter. How difficult was that to clean out? 

I’M SO GLAD YOU ASKED THIS!!! Nobody has yet!! It was literally stuck to every crevice of my mouth, adhered to the back of my throat, and no amount of swishing and gargling was getting it off. Amazing idea highly recommend. I’d just go… “alright I guess take 2”. Had to do it around 6 times before we got the shot perfect. I probably still have glitter in my intestines who knows. 

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