Leeds Rock Icons Pulled Apart By Horses Detail New Album With Lead Single “First World Problems”

Leeds-based rock group Pulled Apart By Horses have announced their fifth studio album will be out Spring 2022 through Alcopop! Records. While more details are on their way, the quartet have shared the lead single “First World Problems”, their first bit of new material since 2019’s “Is This Thing On?”.
Now into their 13th years as a band, Pulled Apart By Horses continue to insist on doing things differently with each release, and this forthcoming record should be no exception. “Our musical tastes change monthly, never mind over the course of the years, so we are never going to be the kind of band who’d do the same album every time,” says vocalist Tom Hudson of their evolution. “We’ve always been that band that are ‘too heavy for the indie kids, and too indie for the heavy kids’ in industry terms, but it’s quite cool that people don’t really know where to put us, because it means no-one can easily slap a genre name upon us. Now we have the freedom to just be who we are.”
On “First World Problems”, PABH channel the ’70s garage rock and post-punk scenes, finding an uncanny resemblance to Iggy and the Stooges and The Rolling Stones. Lyrically, the track is well established in the 21st century, as Hudson explains it as, “a voiced frustration towards our groomed, individualist society, where the real world and our online world is full of constant venting of minor/trivial annoyances as if they are the centre of the universe, when really there are more pressing matters out there and a far bigger picture.”
Listen to the single below and stay tuned for more information on the upcoming album.