Swedish Indie Rockers Tribe Friday Share New Single “for real?” From Upcoming Album

Swedish indie rock group Tribe Friday are making way for their upcoming album bubblegum emo with their new single “for real?”.
The group, who are in the running to be Sweden’s submission to Eurovision, make a strong case with their bright and catchy indie pop rock style. Despite being from Sweden, the group finds a NYC post-punk revival flare, making themselves a great match for fans of The Strokes.
With that cruising dance-rock energy in mind, “for real?” finds a charming self-awareness; Noah Deutschmann explains: “For a very long time, I didn’t like myself very much. So I’d turn towards external validation and trying to feel cool to make up for it. And then in turn I’d resent myself for making shitty decisions. I don’t know. It’s all just one big self-pity party. Which pains me to say out loud – because I realize I have a very, very good life. I’m an extremely lucky person. So I feel bad feeling bad about it sometimes. Self-pity can be such an ugly emotion. I guess that’s why I like writing about it.“
Listen below: