Indie Pop Group TREY Share Summer Pop Anthem “Electric Blue”

Indie pop group TREY, lead by vocalist Ernest Brockman, have shared their summer anthem “Electric Blue”. Inspired by the ’00s pop of Justin Timberlake, and more modern indie pop music of The Band CAMINO and Hippo Campus, the new release is a feel good offering that succeeds at being catchy and memorable.
“I wanted to write something fast and poppy, with elements of my favorite music in it”, Ernest begins. “From the vocal samples and organ, to the gospel chord progression and super tight vocal delivery, this song was meant to sizzle. In a lot of ways, Electric Blue is a return to my favorite parts of the TREY sound from past releases, while still pushing the envelope in terms of what this project can be“.
The final third chapter of their Pursuit of Truth and Virality project is on the way, with the upcoming EP Everything is Strange, but I’ll be Fine wrapping up the trilogy. “Electric Blue” is the latest taste from the collection.
Check it out below: