Death From Above 1979 – Physical World

Toronto’s super-duo Death From Above 1979 have returned to the dance-punk music scene with their latest release Physical World, the first album since their 2004 You’re A Woman, I’m A Machine.
Unleashing ten years of anticipation, “Cheap Talk” opens up the album with a groovy-dance track that cracks open a fresh can of DFA1979: punchy, melodic bass lines and hot-tempered drum beats, producing an immediate desire to dance.
“Right On, Frankenstein!” promptly crashes in, restoring the band’s classic style with heavy melodies and blistering breakdown.
Physical World goes three for three with a superb start to the album. The heavy, modern rock-n-roll track “Virgins” is third on the tracklist, venting sexual frustration and teenage angst, making it clear “bad is good enough”.
Rolling with the inital momentum, “Always On” and “Crystal Ball” do not miss a beat in maintaining the underground dance floor energy.
The album applies the breaks only for moment with the heart-broken track “White is Red”, but instantly revs the engine with the hit single “Trainwreck 1979”, then hits the gas “Nothing Left”.
“Government Trash” was second single pre-released from Physical World, bringing the album full circle with a heavy and more hardcore sound, just like the way it started.
Capping off the album, “The Physical World” starts with an unmistakenable MSTRKRFT influence (Jesse F. Keeler’s side project) and ends with a heavy, DFA1979 breakdown that leaves you with a euphoric ringing in your ears.
Listen to the full album via Youtube.
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