Reuben and The Dark – dancer (Music Video)

Alternative folk singer-songwriter Reuben Bullock released his third album un | love back in October 2019. With his band Reuben and the Dark, Bullock continues to explore the emotional capabilities of song through spirited and poignant music. Uplifting at the core, Bullock’s songwriter is not afraid to dip into darker territory and shine a light.

Building upon the genre of folk, their latest single “dancer” brings it to a more cinematic and expansive degree. Washing over his lyrics, a ringing piano progression builds with guitars and vocal harmonies to create a powerful mantra of reflection.
About “dancer”, Bullock explains: “It is vulnerability’s lullaby. It is honest. It is soft. It is empathy and also an apology. An attempt at shining a light into a very dark place.”
Accompanying the single, the music video is a visual journey as Bullock travels from past to present across different landscapes. From the sands of the dessert to the snow-covered trees of Alberta, he shares “…it chronicles journey and reflection. Through time and experience. The past is a hard thing to balance in the present sometimes. Memory’s ghost holds such weight and significance. When time feels non-linear. Where emotions we carry in our hearts are from events that have yet to come to pass… it’s easy to forget where we are sometimes. This music video personifies experience. Pain is a road worn companion. Letting go is found in remembering. And dreams… dreams are really all we have anyway.”
Enjoy the dreamier music video below and head to his website to hear un | love in its entirety.