Close Talker Reflect On The Important Things With “Second Best”

As a sneak peek into their upcoming release, Saskatoon indie rock trio Close Talker have shared “Second Best” from the deluxe album of How Do We Stay Here? out on August 28th. 

The band says the song came together as a result of realizing what is most important in their lives. Elaborating on it, they said, “the most meaningful things in life come from sharing time with the people closest to us. As a touring band, life on the road can be grinding, and it can wear you down fast if you’re not careful.” 

Close Talker (Photo by Nicole Ens)

Having toured across North American and Europe, the group are used to being out on the road, and the less glamorous side of that life comes through in their song. “A night in Paris can turn into just another night in the basement of a bar, and the only thing you start to crave is home; being around the people that our songs are about, and realizing that at that moment, the band can feel like it’s second best.” 

While the underlying meaning of the single may be a bit heavy and laced with a hint of sadness, the light accompaniment won’t leave you feeling down even as the lyrics speak to familiar feelings of longing to be back within a particular moment. The lines “you’ve been on my mind now / but you’re hardly defined anymore” and “I’ll just wait ‘till the morning for a call that never came / I wish we were stationary for just a moment” are personal favourites, pulling at memories of people and places that have meant the world to me. 

“It all comes back to missing. It’s about missing people deeply because you realize that you need them more than anything,” says the band.

The deluxe edition will feature five new songs, including “Second Best,” which you can listen to here:

How Do We Stay Here: Deluxe Tracklist

Deluxe Artwork

The Change It Brings
Arm’s Length
Half Past Nine
Carefully in the Dark
The Lake By The Hotel
Second Best
Stride (Reprise)
The Change It Brings – Nice. Remix

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