Riun Garner Shares Live Performance Video For “Wrote Myself Off”; Debut EP Out Now

It’s been about a year now since Vancouver-based artist Riun Garner made the leap to record and perform his own songs. As an established director and actor, Garner would record song memos on his phone, but was encouraged by close friends to release a record. Back in June, Garner shared All We Know And All We Forget, a stunning gem of soul-touching indie folk.
From the four-track release is “Wrote Myself Off”, a beautifully honest and stripped down song about finding the power to believe in your own capabilities.

Garner shares, “‘Wrote Myself Off’ is really about this constant struggle we have as artists and as human beings. The doubt we put on ourselves. And the second guessing. Asking, is the this good enough? Am I good enough? And about having the confidence to believe that you are unique and know what you have to say matters“.
He continues, “There was a time where I really lost touch with my own voice as an artist from second guessing what I was making over and over again to the point of bumming myself out of making any music for awhile. I wrote myself off. And by the time I got around to getting out of my own way, I had this fear that I couldn’t get back to that place I used to create from. To have the relationship I used to have with my own feelings and how I would express them without judgment. So I’m asking that very question to myself. “Where do you find the muse when it’s dead?” And hoping that there’s a way to find it again“.
Combining his music and video skills together, Garner has shared an unfiltered and beautiful live performance for “Wrote Myself Off” shot in a desert. The hazy sand blowing across the shot matches the fragility of his voice, reminiscent of Justin Vernon and Elliott Smith, creating something that is wonderfully organic and sonically pleasing.
Enjoy the live video below, and you can hear All We Know and All We Forget just past.