Satellite and The Harpoonist Share Mysterious New Music Video for “Justine”

Newly formed supergroup Satellite and the Harpoonist have shared the new videos for their song about a mystery woman named “Justine”. Formed by Shawn Hall of Harpoonist and the Axe Murderer, the group is rounded out by Geoff Hillhosrt (The Deep Dark Woods), Theo Vicent (The Boom Booms), and Bradford Reed (King Missile III). Following a three day self-imposed pressure cooker music session in January 2020, a six song EP came to life, and the band was officially formed. 

“Justine” is a groovy song with a strong percussion beat that stands out amongst the instrumentation – including their own unique instrument, the Penicilina. A one off invention by Reed, it’s a double necked contraption reminiscent of a zither, and Satellite and the Harpoonist are the only band in the world to feature it.

Shawn Hall (Photo by Colin McTaggart)

About the song, Hall says it revolves around obsession, when he and a friend were on the back deck on acid. “We began thinking about larger than life infatuations, obsessions,” he says. “Shortly, after this huge guy started up a chain saw, and proceeded to drown out our thoughts, this small crew started cutting down the largest group of heritage cedar trees in my neighbourhood, directly behind my yard. So, I called down to City Hall and got an arborist over to try and stop this from happening with the neighbours yelling and crying. Well it didn’t work, the trees all fell and opened a hole in the sky that has never been filled and this song is the result, and it has nothing to do with trees.”

Sound a little psychedelic? Well, you’re not wrong, and the video for “Justine” matches perfectly. Its own trip – both visually and as part of the video’s story –  viewers are taken on a wild daydream about Justine while Hall sings of his infatuation with her. Colourful animation that matches the funkiness of the song is brought to life by filmmaker and animator Peter Ricq.

The inspiration for the video came from talking with [Hall],” says Ricq. “We talked about many things but the idea of turning this video into a journey mixed with pop art really stuck out. In the end, the idea of everyone around me maturing, starting or having a family, there’s something that always stays, we are all dreamers and that’s something we can always take with us no matter where we go.” Somehow, the mix of inspiration and ideas all blend together seamlessly, culminating in an addictive song and a unique and engaging video to boot.

But, who exactly is Justine? All is revealed at the end of the video, which you can watch below:

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