Post-Hardcore Act Work Party Share Animated Video For Satirical 9-to-5 Culture Track “Drunk Conference Call”

Chicago hardcore punk act Work Party wanted to step away from the complex side of post-hardcore and its often rigorous, virtuosic ways for their newly-announced debut album My Best Days Are Behind Me. Sticking to more fast-firing, simpler days of ’80s punk, Work Party wanted to have “more fun than any reputable doctor would recommend”. “I got tired of hyper complex stuff” says guitarist Grant Craig, commenting on his previous band’s output. “I feel like this record is kind of a reversion back to the music we grew up on; taking stuff from 80s hardcore, but approaching it with the sensibilities that we have now.”
Set to be released on October 1st through Triple Eye Industries, the group have lead the way with the satirical new single and video “Drunk Conference Call”. Letting the endless possibilities of animation take over, the colourful and nightmarish clip goes through the motions of the 9-to-5 work culture, making fun of emails, conference calls, and meetings – all the while on a daytime bender. The searing ’80s guitar riffs and lighthearted hand claps of the ’60s give this a vintage sound, while the clean and modern production keep things keen to the short punk attention span.
Watch below and discover more hardcore favourites on our New & Loud playlist.