UK Folk Artist Anna B Savage Shares Powerful New Video For “Baby Grand”

The end of a relationship can leave a lot of unanswered questions and complicated feelings, beyond just the standard degree of heartbreak. London-based singer-songwriter Anna B Savage reconnected with her ex-boyfriend and filmmaker Jem Talbot to make a film about their relationship after a somewhat serendipitous connection. Colliding Savage’s music with Tablot’s visual medium, the pair have taken moments from the film to construct the music video for “Baby Grand”, the new single from Anna’s debut album A Common Turn, out January 29th.

About the piece Anna shares, “Jem was my first love. For three years we’ve been working on a film together about our past relationship. This song is written about a night Jem and I had, just after we’d started work on the film. This night was – like much of the filmmaking process – very confusing. Taut with unexpressed emotions, vulnerability, and miscommunication“.

Anna B Savage (Photo by Ebru Yildiz)

Jem adds, “Having not spoken to me in seven years, Anna sent me a text out of the blue saying she’d had a dream about me. Perhaps by chance, or by cosmic serendipity, I’d been listening to her EP and already dreaming up a film idea the two of us could collaborate on. Three years later, she’s releasing her debut album and I’ve finished that film. In that time, both our mediums have been in a constantly shifting dialogue with each other, a dialogue that has mirrored the ebbs and flows of our connectedness in the present day. The film is an exploration of the how and why some people just crawl into your heart and make a home there.”

Fans of “Eternal Sunshine of A Spotless Mind” and “(500) Days of Summer” will love the music video itself, while folk and indie fans will find a soft spot for Anna B’s unique, robust voice, as she shares thoughts and memories over a gentle guitar melody that graduals reaches its climax.

Watch the music video below, and stay tuned for Baby Grand‘s premiere this year.

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